Friday, October 11, 2013


      Have you smiled? Ofcourse everyone did. What kind of idiot would start with that question. Well I did. Okay, let's be serious. Do you want to be the person who walks into a room and lights it up with your smile? Smiling seems to come more naturally to some people than others, but like any habit, it gets much easier with practice. Smiling raises your spirits and makes other people happy. A wholehearted smile will naturally draw in the eyes. It's not something you can fake; when you're forced to smile for photos, your eyes don't smile. It's only when you truly feel like smiling. The eyes are essential for a genuine smile. :)
       Smiling is a very powerful expression.It can make people happy and also yourself. A quote related to that is this. --->  “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh.  Even you are down, just smile you wont lose anything. It might even make you happy.

There are alot of benefits in smiling.
First, Smiles improve your appearance. Think about a person who is frowning and a person who is smiling. Who is better looking?

 Second, Smiles make you feel good and also othert people. If you're feeling a little sad, think of happy thoughts and just add a smile.It will trick your mind into feeling better. If you smile, it's offering people reassurance that you're friendly and
 it makes people feel better to see a smile, from afar or close-up.

           Third, Smiles create trust and bond. A smile is a great way of establishing mutual feelings. Smiling is a good way to show others that you're friendly, positive, and open to conversation. Always remember to smile from your heart; not with your mind.

          If someone is trying to bring down your good spirits, smile around them and cancels out their bad energy.

                      The most important thing about smiling for me. You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile. Not everybody has perfect teeth, and that's okay. Straight teeth are nice, but a great smile doesn't depend on standard model's teeth. My advice, just SMILE and be happy. :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013



        At school, we start the day with a smile or a laugh. Even though there is a quiz or homework that has not been done, we would still joke around. I guess we got things under control, I GUESS. Later that Monday afternoon, we had our Technology and Skills day. There were a lot  of activities done. Some of the activities were table skirting, table setting, center piece, arts and crafts, hair and make up and the basket making for high school. We also had the vodka mixing and nail art (Ours were MINIONS!!!!) All I did was take pictures since I got nothing else to do and I was kinda sick that time.

Table skirting
Vodka mixing
Right hand
Left hand
Not yet complete basket
One of our contestants doing the arts and crafts
A necklace, one of the finished products done by my classmates

Some random girl had this on her hand i don't know why

One of our contestants for the hair and make up contest

 Center piece

Our couple, Era and Oscar

Our couple dancing

                  That day ended fast and it was tiring for the people who participated and also me ( Walking is tiring). The results were announced last Friday. We won the nail art, the table setting and the hair and make up competition. That was a great day. :)

A Picture Frozen in Time

A photo taken by Justin Brian Balano, my classmate

           Time flies by and we wont know what will happen in the future. So lets make the most out of it. Have fun,  make people happy and do something that people will remember you in a good way. Here's a poem that I was supposedly to make but my classmate, Rosebelle Toseta, finished it. Oh well, I think its good.

Treasured Time

Rules of the clock
Time goes by
memories we make
but now is good bye.

Flames of the Sun
We always had fun
Smiles for the day
Eternity, I pray.

Sparks of solid gold
All the tears I cannot hold
Last light of the dying candle
All this sadness I can't handle

I search for you
I can't lose hope
How I miss you
Why did you go?

                         That's it, remember don't let the past affect your future. You cant change the past ,but you can change the future. Just live your life they way you want to. That's all, thanks for reading. :D

Friday, October 4, 2013


                        YELLOW and PURPLE

           Flowers are one of my favorite subject when im talking pictures. Their beauty is simply amazing. Their shape and color which makes them beautiful. It also smells good. Flowers are also the best gift you can give to your crush.  Here are more of my pictures. 



Plants are generally good things they make oxygen for us, and we release carbon  dioxide for them. So that's why lets take care of mother nature because you wont know when will the word end or devastating disasters that might destroy our beloved  mother nature.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Fresh Coconut

My friend, Brandon Lee Aranas, drinking fresh buko

               Have you ever tried drinking a fresh coconut especially after a long walk? No? If you havent tried yet, it would be the best to try it now. The taste of fresh buko (coconut in english)  after you jog or do exercises is really delicious and refreshing. You'll definitely say "Ahhhhh" after drinking it. There are 5 or maybe more health benfits of drinking fresh coconut juice. But ill give you five.
                                                  5 BENEFITS
1. Coconut water is rich source of electrolytes. Electrolytes are important for muscular, cardiovascular, nervous system, and immune system function.
2. Coconut water will boost your energy. Coconut water is full of potassium, calcium, and chloride which energize and replenish the body; and it contains much less sugar and sodium than commercial energy drinks.
3. Coconut water is antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. These qualities make coconut water helpful with a number of health conditions, including stomach flu, dysentery, indigestion, constipation, intestinal worms, cholera, urinary abnormalities, malfunctioning kidneys, wrinkles, and age spots.
4. Coconut water aids weight loss. Coconut water has been shown to increase metabolism in the human body, thus assisting the loss of unwanted weight.
 5. Coconut water rehydrates. The plasma and electrolyte balance of coconut water has been found to be identical to that of human blood. This gives coconut water the ability to rehydrate and balance fluids within the human body.

The point is that eating fresh fruits can be good for your health and not just that. It is DELICIOUS! :D 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Life is an Adventure

      Hiking is one of the things i want to do, especially if my friends are there. Having friends while hiking will make it more fun and less boring. Last Saturday, my friends and I decided to go to their farm in a different route and on foot. We walked on rice fields and on  a river. It was fun. My friend's slipper broke, so I lend him mine. As we reached the bridge, I saw kids taking a bath under it. They were having fun like I do in my childhood.

        We walked and what  really made me happy was this old lady walking in her garden smiling. I took a photo of her and made me think about my grandparents. How are they? Are they having fun in their life? and lot more. Our grandparents are the reason why, why we are here and who we are. I think it would be the best if we could thank them. Just simply by writing a letter and give it to them, or approach them and tell them how thankful you are for them. Just thank them. Getting old is pretty much normal.We experience a lot of things. But the most important thing is what future we could mold for our children, grandchildren, and to our future generations. After 10 mins of walking, we reached the farm.

      In life, we experienced of things it maybe love, pain, fun, and lot more. You might find yourself at one point, that you want to kill yourself. DON'T. If you want to make life fun, ignore those negative outlooks in life and start looking for a positive outlook.  ENJOY LIFE. Enjoy the life that God gave you. But dont do things that might end up hurting other people and they ended up hating you.  Make people around you happy. That will make you also happy. But remember, your future will be the result of the things you do in the past. Have a good day! :D