Friday, October 11, 2013


      Have you smiled? Ofcourse everyone did. What kind of idiot would start with that question. Well I did. Okay, let's be serious. Do you want to be the person who walks into a room and lights it up with your smile? Smiling seems to come more naturally to some people than others, but like any habit, it gets much easier with practice. Smiling raises your spirits and makes other people happy. A wholehearted smile will naturally draw in the eyes. It's not something you can fake; when you're forced to smile for photos, your eyes don't smile. It's only when you truly feel like smiling. The eyes are essential for a genuine smile. :)
       Smiling is a very powerful expression.It can make people happy and also yourself. A quote related to that is this. --->  “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh.  Even you are down, just smile you wont lose anything. It might even make you happy.

There are alot of benefits in smiling.
First, Smiles improve your appearance. Think about a person who is frowning and a person who is smiling. Who is better looking?

 Second, Smiles make you feel good and also othert people. If you're feeling a little sad, think of happy thoughts and just add a smile.It will trick your mind into feeling better. If you smile, it's offering people reassurance that you're friendly and
 it makes people feel better to see a smile, from afar or close-up.

           Third, Smiles create trust and bond. A smile is a great way of establishing mutual feelings. Smiling is a good way to show others that you're friendly, positive, and open to conversation. Always remember to smile from your heart; not with your mind.

          If someone is trying to bring down your good spirits, smile around them and cancels out their bad energy.

                      The most important thing about smiling for me. You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile. Not everybody has perfect teeth, and that's okay. Straight teeth are nice, but a great smile doesn't depend on standard model's teeth. My advice, just SMILE and be happy. :)

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